*** ----> Businesswomen’s Society, Thattai Hindu Merchants hold talks | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Businesswomen’s Society, Thattai Hindu Merchants hold talks

TDT | Manama       

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Boosting in various sectors and investment held the focus of a recent meeting between the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society and Thatai Hindu Merchants Community. Ahlam Janahi, the President of the Businesswomen’s Society, board members, Bob Thaker, President of Thatai Hindu Merchants Community, and Mukesh Kavalani, Vice-President, were present.

The meeting, held at the headquarters of the society, focused on boosting cooperation in various sectors, investments, holding workshops and seminars. Janahi presented a copy of the book on the society’s twentieth anniversary to Bob Thaker and praised THMC for their contribution to the development of the Bahraini economy for more than 200 years.

Mukesh Kavalani briefed the directors of the society on the 4 million US dollars redevelopment project of THMC. The project envisages the comprehensive development of the THMC with auditoriums, kitchens, museum & Hindu temple in Bahrain.