*** ----> Bahrain moves Covid alert level to yellow | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain moves Covid alert level to yellow

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain yesterday moved to the Covid-19 Yellow Alert level that will see most activities limited to those who have been fully vaccinated. The move aims to safeguard public health amidst the global spread of the highly infectious Delta variant.

The National Taskforce to Combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) had also announced the country will not move to the green level until 80 per cent of individuals, aged 40 and above are eligible for a booster shot, receive the jab.

Masks must be worn at all times and vaccinated and recovered individuals must show their green shield on the BeAware application in order to enter the various facilities. During the yellow-level level, entry to malls, indoor and outdoor dining facilities, salons, shops and spas, gyms and sporting amusement parks, sports centres, sporting events and conferences will be limited to COVID-19 vaccinated and recovered individuals.


Children below 12 years must be accompanied by a vaccinated or recovered adult. Non-vaccinated individuals can attend schools in person, enter shops outside malls, enter government centres and be part of events of up to 30 individuals, the committee said.

Cinemas will be limited to 50 per cent of the total capacity. All educational and training institutions will have the option of in-person or distance learning for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals.

The yellow zone also allows for the holding of private events at home, 50% work-from-home policy across all government entities, while maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, and continuing to follow precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus.


Bahrain has introduced a new traffic light system for coronavirus measures to better contain the spread of the virus. The system, which has four levels, is based on the average percentage of positive cases out of tests taken.

When the rolling average is eight per cent or more for three days, the red alert level will be activated. When it is above five but below eight per cent for four days, it will be orange, and for an average of between two and five per cent for seven days, the alert will be yellow.

The Taskforce noted that only the red, orange and yellow alert levels will be adopted during this phase until at least 80% of individuals aged 40 and above have received a booster shot.