*** ----> Bahrain announces ban on catching, selling small fish and crustaceans | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain announces ban on catching, selling small fish and crustaceans

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain announced a ban on fishing, selling and trading small fish and crustaceans.

The ministerial decision announced a minimum length for each variety of fish for selling in Bahrain, said the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

Accordingly, it is not allowed to catch Kingfish below 40cm, Grouper fish below 30cm, pigeon, Fisker, Shari, and Shamm below 20 cm, steppe and nettle below 15 cm and fawn, Calendula, Badah and Shrimp below 10cm.

The Maritime Control Department states that violations will attract legal actions, including seizure of the catch and imposing penalties, as stipulated in Decree-law no 20 of 2002.