*** MP calls to end public sector corruption | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MP calls to end public sector corruption

A Parliamentarian yesterday called for eliminating “administrative corruption” in establishments of the public sector.

Independent MP Jalal Kadhem Al Mahfoudh demanded the Government to set strategies to combat idleness among employees in government authorities.

“Some employees in the public sector treat citizens and residents and their complaints with recklessness. Some even cover for the mistakes of their fellow employees. This will result into harmful economic, social and administrative effects,” the MP explained in a press statement.

Al Mahfoudh called for  implementing the more organised administrative procedures in government entities and authorities. He also advised to implement similar employees’ incentives to the ones applied in the private sector, affirming that it will improve the productivity and efficiency of public sector employees. “We received several complaints on the lazy behaviours of some public sector employees, who waste their duty time on having breakfast or using their phones. Such behaviours hinder the flow of work at the organisations and create negative vibes between the public and government authorities. This also pushes them to seek alternative and illegal methods such as bribes to complete their requests or tasks at official authorities,” Al Mahfoudh commented.

He added, “We must put an end to idleness at government establishments, in order to improve the productivity and services provided by the state to citizens and residents.” 

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