*** ----> Bahrain’s pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020 opens today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain’s pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020 opens today

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain’s pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, which has its theme on “Density as an enabler of opportunities” will start welcoming visitors today.

The expo, which has exhibitors from almost 200 countries, is expected to grow the gross domestic product of UAE by 1.5% during its six-month-long journey. Expo Dubai 2020 sits on a 4.3 sq km (1.7 sq miles) site- a desert when Dubai took the baton eight years ago to follow the 2015 Expo in Milan, Italy.

Bahrain’s pavilion at the expo, designed by Christian Keres Zurich AG, is conceived as a physical and spatial experience of density, exploring future possibilities in a dense world. The structure consists of 126 columns of 11cm in diameter and 24m in height that join each other at several points, exploring three-dimensional possibilities inspired by geometric gypsum ornaments of traditional Bahraini architecture.

The columns are made of steel, whereas the outer facade is composed of aluminium, showcasing one of the main exports in Bahrain. The pavilion will be fully dis[1]mantled and rebuild permanently in Bahrain at the end of six months.

The main exhibition element revolves around the textile industry of Bahrain. The pavilion will showcase a live production of the weaving craft, showcasing joint installation artworks produced and displayed in the exhibition space.

The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities with Economic Development Board and several other public and private sector establishments are the organisers of Bahrain’s participation at the expo. The pavilion, located in the Opportunity District, was designed by Kerez with the Wanders Werner Falasi Consulting Architects from the United Arab Emirates.

“What do you see”

Bahrain today will inaugurate its first exhibition dubbed “Bahr” organised in cooperation with Bahrain Institute of Pearls and Gemstones “Danat”. On display will be a work “What do you see” created by Bahrain-based textile designer Muhairi Boyle. The exhibition focuses on the nobility of textile craft in Bah[1]rain and the beauty of sails of the Banoosh ships used for pearling. Danat also offers a programme allowing the audience to learn about the latest tools and tech[1]niques for examining natural pearls.

What to expect

Unique and ground breaking architecture:

The pavilion features 126 columns, 11cm in diameter and 24m high, that will join at several points and bring to mind weaving needles, through which density is experienced.

Live weaving

Live weaving stations will take visitors on a journey of craft from loom-weaving to intricate traditional embroidery including naqda, kurar, and palm weaving.

Craft and technology

First-hand look at innovative technologies used in the manufacture of carbon fiber and fiber-glass – woven composite materials used in a number of industries including automotive and construction.

Traditional Bahraini food with a twist

Three renowned and award-winning Bahraini chefs will come together to create a menu of revisited traditional Bahraini food. The menu will include small sampling plates that will allow visitors to share and experience new flavours and tastes.

Underground laboratory of innovation

The pavilion’s main area is an underground open plan space of experience and innovation. The unique architecture and multiple live weaving stations will enjoy constant activity, akin to a laboratory of innovation and multiple experiences