*** Reflections of a young artist | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Reflections of a young artist


Binscal Pascal, a12th grade student of Al Noor International School, is a ditto of his father.  He learned the ropes of the art from his father Pascal, who is also an artist by his own means. 

Scrolling through the submissions of ‘The Bahrain Awareness Awards 2015’, you will find some of works, which bear strong expressions.  But, it is definite that a second look is inevitable for Binscal’s art works.

Artists have the right to express themselves. This school student strongly believes that he is obliged to the society and responsible for awareness.

Speaking to DT News, Binscal Pascal says: “I see my father painting always.  I still remember he used to take an A3 paper and a pencil when we go out.  He is an adept in quick painting. In my earlier days of grooming, I started to follow him but later on I started to create my own style”


Some of the art works of this teen clearly shows his vision and insight towards the hardships and difficulties of domestic workers. One of his paintings shows the different attitudes of his schoolmates. 

“I have lot of friends and they differ from each other. This particular image shows three friends of mine. One is health conscious and the second one is intellectual. That’s why I have placed a Rubik’s cube instead of his head. The last one is a fun lover. He loves sports and to go to party. I have tried to bring all the aspects of life in my painting and art work,” he adds.


Apart from painting, this Indian origin student is now learning to play guitar. “Usually I take a day or two to complete one picture but it depends on the theme too.  I closely keep an eye on our society and whatever comes in my thought, I give them strokes and colour,” he signs off.