*** ----> Verdict on Bahrain twins’ death upheld | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Verdict on Bahrain twins’ death upheld

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Three doctors involved in the death of newborn twins have had their jail sentences upheld by the Cassation Court.

The trio earlier received a one-year prison term for their offence.

Another nurse was tried in connection with this case, but she was acquitted due to a lack of proof.

The convicted doctors were found guilty of negligence that led to the death of the twin babies.

The four suspects were sent to trial after an investigation into the matter established their involvement in the death of the twins.

The probe into this case was carried out after footage widely circulated showed a Bahraini man claiming that he was handed over his dead premature babies (twin girls) by Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) “in bags”, only to find out that they were still alive at the time of their burial in Bilad Al Qadeem graveyard in the Capital Governorate.

A document he shared online showed that the shocking incident took place on October 16 last year, a day after the delivery.

A report from the hospital read that the man brought back the babies on the same day he received them.

The report mentioned that one of the babies was dead when the father came back to the hospital, while the other one died at the neonatal intensive care unit a few hours later.

Issued by the Chief of Medical Services at SMC, the report read: “The patient came to SMC on October 15, 2020, at 8:00 pm, and she was in a state of abortion at 22 weeks of pregnancy, and the result was two new-borns.

“After examining them by the medical staff, they found at the time that there were no signs that they were alive and they were handed over to the father on October 16, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.”

The report also mentioned: “On the same day, the father brought the newborns to SMC, and after examining them by the medical staff, it was found that one of them was dead and the other was making a crying sound.

The newborn was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit for premature infants, but she passed away on the same day at 9:30 pm.”