*** ----> US Congress issues resolution congratulating Bahrain on National Day | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US Congress issues resolution congratulating Bahrain on National Day

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The US Congress issued resolution (841) congratulating Bahrain on its National Day. The congratulation from the highest constitutional legislative institution in the US is an assertion of support to the constitutional principles and freedoms stipulated by the Bahraini constitution, including mainly the formation of constitutional executive, legislative and judicial branches as well as the promotion of religious and media freedom.

The resolution praised Bahrain Declaration in 2017 which consolidated many civilisational and humanitarian values, including mainly respect of religious faith and expression as basic inalienable rights and the freedom of every individual to practice their religion.

The resolution noted the strategic effect of Bahrain’s promotion of peace in the Arab region by declaring support for peace with the State of Israel and launching constructive diplomatic relations with it.

The resolution pointed out the peculiarity of the relationship between Manama and Washington for many years, as the US classified Bahrain as a strategic partner and a major ally outside NATO in 2002, and Bahrain has hosted a US Navy base since 1947.

Bahrain is considered a member of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and cooperates effectively in the field of border and maritime security, cyber security and counter-terrorism. In the economic and commercial field, Bahrain signed the Free Trade Agreement with the US.