*** ----> Bahrain witnesses first Covid-19 death after 42 days | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain witnesses first Covid-19 death after 42 days

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Staff Reporter

The Ministry of Health reported a Covid-19 death on Sunday night – the first of the current year, taking the number of deceased in the Kingdom to 1,395. The last Covid-19 death was reported on November 20, 2021.

“The Ministry of Health expresses its sincere condolences to the family of the patient that died from COVID related illness and to all those families that have lost loved ones, with the hope for a full and speedy recovery to those receiving treatment at present,” the ministry tweet says. “There are currently 4,269 active COVID-19 cases, and all are stable.

Presently no individuals are in critical condition.” The ministry also reported the formation of three clusters last week. “The contact tracing of asymptomatic 34-year-old female citizen revealed 23 primary infections and 8 secondary infections, resulting in a total of 31 positive cases across 17 different households.

“The cases detected include family and friends, where the primary cases had direct contact with each other during a wedding.” The second cluster was formed after 12 people belonging to five different households were infected by asymptomatic expatriate couples, aged 62 and 56.

The infected were friends of the couple, who had contacts during a gathering, according to MoH. Meanwhile, the contact tracing of asymptomatic 68-year old female citizens revealed eight positive cases across three different households. The infected include relatives and domestic help.