*** ----> Terror convict extradited from Serbia starts jail term in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Terror convict extradited from Serbia starts jail term in Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

The convicted terror offender, who was on the run and recently extradited from Serbia on an Interpol warrant, has started serving his multiple life terms at a Correction and Rehabilitation Centre in Bahrain.

The terror convict, considered as one of the most dangerous terrorist elements Bahrain has seen, has four life terms, another 10-year jail term, and fines.

The Head of the Execution Prosecution said he could appeal the verdict as permitted by the law.

The 48-year-old was sentenced to life in prison in absentia in 2013 for terrorist activities, including bomb-making.

He reportedly was also named in a separate case over the killing of an Emirati police officer.

Following an Interpol red notice request by Bahrain, on the 24th of this month, Serbia deported the terror convict, whom a Reuters report named to be Ahmed Jaafar Mohamed Ali.

The extradition also represents the first case of its kind since Maj Gen Ahmed Naser al-Raisi, a leading Emirati security official, was elected to the presidency of Interpol.

Authorities in Belgrade had approved his extradition to Bahrain earlier last week.

His arrest in Belgrade in November followed a red notice issued in 2015 at the request of Bahrain.

The Bahrain government, in a statement, earlier said that he would serve a life sentence for “terror-related offences”.

The statement also said the Kingdom has a “zero-tolerance” policy towards any mistreatment of prisoners and “fully investigates allegations of mistreatment”. It also said he could pursue proceedings “under due legal process”.

“As with all inmates in Bahrain, he will have his legal rights guaranteed and will be able to pursue proceedings following the due legal process,” a statement earlier said.

The Interior Ministry said he was wanted for terrorism-related offences committed between 2012 and 2015, including murder and making explosives.

Masterminded several attacks

He masterminded several terrorist attacks in the Kingdom, including the killing and attempted murder of police officers and civilians.

He also organised and managed terrorist cells and elements and trained them in manufacturing explosives and firearms with the help of Iranian Revolutionary Guards and other unidentified groups in Iraq.

His actions were aimed at disturbing public security by targetting sensitive and vital areas in the Kingdom.

Besides damaging public and private property, he was also organising terrorist activities and funding them. Investigators have found that he took part directly in some of the terrorist attacks in the Kingdom before fleeing to Iran and continued planning attacks in the Kingdom in coordination with the Revolutionary Guards.

2014 attack

One of the most deadly attacks he organised was the 2014 attack on Public Security Forces in Diyeh.

The attack caused an officer and other police personnel their lives and inflicted injuries to several others.

He also masterminded several bombings in the Kingdom, including the attack on Exhibition Centre.

Raids conducted at that time had resulted in retrieving several types of firearms, ammunition, explosive devices kept for an impending attack.

Court trial and verdict followed a thorough investigation and conclusive evidence gathered against the suspect.

The extradition was a “joint operation between member countries of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol)”.


What does Interpol say about the arrest?

An Interpol spokesperson, in a statement to the Guardian, had said the decisions about extradition and arrests are the responsibility of domestic authorities.

“Extradition is a bilateral matter between member countries and Interpol is not involved in this process,” they said.

“The Interpol general secretariat was not informed of either the individual’s arrest or the extradition ruling by Serbian authorities.

Please note also, no individual member of the executive committee, including the president, has any involvement or influence in the decision-making process to publish or cancel a red notice.”