*** ----> Bahrain walks the way to a healthy life | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain walks the way to a healthy life

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

All of Bahrain came together onto the streets of the Kingdom yesterday, cheering each other and engaging in physical activities in celebration of Bahrain Sports Day and for a healthy life.

Ministries, public and private departments and agencies took part in the event held on the 9th of February each year. The day reinforces the importance of sports and sporting activities in people’s lives.

The events are in line with the decision of the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and the initiative of Representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa and the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC) led by First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports (SCYS) and Chairman of the General Sports Authority (GSA) HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

RHF spreads sports culture

During an event organised by the Royal Humanitarian Foundation yesterday for its employees at Water Garden City in Seef District, Dr Mustafa Al-Sayed, the RFH Secretary-General, stressed the importance of exercising regularly, citing its benefits to mind, bond and lives. He said the RFH is keen to participate in events like this for spreading a sports culture in society.

London celebrates Sports day

Chairman of the Jaffari Endowments Council, Yousef bin Saleh Al-Saleh, said they allocated a half-day for employees for activities as part of the Sports Day. The Jaffaria endowments held activities for raising awareness of the importance of sports and its role in daily lives.

The Ambassador of Bahrain to the UK in London, Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, affirmed the importance of sports in preserving physical fitness and preventing health problems during an event for embassy’s employees.

BNET employees take a walk

 BNET held an event for its employees at the Royal Golf Club amidst an atmosphere of fun and friendly competition.

Amal Saleh Al Mannai, Director of Talent and Development, said all must make sports a part of their lifestyle, considering its tremendous benefits to health and well being.

NAO holds awareness session

Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, the Auditor General of Bahrain’s National Audit Office, emphasised the importance of practising sports in building a healthy and active society.

He appreciated the support the youth and sports sector received from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa as they are building the future of society. NAO organised activities for its employees, including a remote awareness session on health nutrition in coordination with the Royal Bahrain Hospital by nutritionist Hanouf Al Rayes.

NSSA holds training workshop

 The National Space Science Authority held a training workshop for its affiliates led by Ali Al-Quran on sports and physical health and its significance in the space sector.

Participants also received a demonstration of some of the exercises followed by astronauts in maintaining their physical fitness.

The CEO of NSSA, Dr Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Asiri, said they have been celebrating the event regularly since its launch in 2017. “Today, we are in the sixth edition of the event, which aims at raising awareness among the general public on the importance of sports in leading a healthy life. Aerospace Engineer Ali AlQuraan said, “Physical and mental health have a share in the space sector.”

 A study conducted aboard the International Space Station, where there is no gravity, contributed to determining the benefits of high intensity/low volume training (HIT) in populations ranging from elite athletes9 to clinical patients.

 “There is evidence to suggest that HIT may elicit superior physiologic adaptations compared to traditional lower intensity/higher volume training.” “The space environment has also contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of some medical conditions, such as osteoporosis.”

 “We also do not forget to mention studies related to psychiatry that were conducted in space environments and concluded the role of physical activity in promoting human mental health.”

Capital municipality

 The Chairman and members of the Capital Municipal Council took part in several activities held in front of its headquarter in Al Zinj.


 The Civil Service Organisation organised several sporting events for its employees led by the Head of the Civil Service Authority, Ahmed bin Zayed Al-Zayed. The activities began with walking and then a two-way tournament for employees. Special offers were given to employees by some health clubs.


Bahrain Polytechnic held several sporting activities at its campus stadium from 11 am to 2 pm.

The CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic, Professor Kieran O’Kahon, said the event contributed to spreading the concept of community sports culture, promoting physical activity and making sports a way of life. Activities practised included a group walk in the outdoor stadium and competitions.

Shura, Parliament

The Shura and Representatives Councils jointly held an event at Qal’at al- Bahrain Walkway with Fawzia bint Abdullah Zainal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counsellor Rashid Mohamed Bounejema, Secretary-General the Council of Representatives, Counsellor Osama Ahmed Al-Asfour, the Secretary-General of the Shura Council, other officials and employees. They walked to the Bahrain

Fort and distributed fruits, juices, healthy meals and other food items to participants. A raffle draw was held and distributed many prices to employees.

Staff members are also participating in an event held at the Bahrain International Circuit until the 12th of this month.

Paralympic sports, including wheelchair challenge, volleyball, boccia games, and other activities, are ongoing.


The Electricity and Water Authority organised various programmes for its employees led by Wael bin Nasser Al Mubarak, the Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, and Sheikh Nawaf bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, the CEO of the Electricity and Water Authority.

 Activities in coordination with hospitals and health centres included free consultations, checks for blood pressure and sugar level, body mass, height and weight measurements. Staff members also took part in various competitions.

The minister said the day enhanced the concept of Sports for all and spread awareness of the importance of sport and its role in life. The CEO praised the directives issued by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa to allocate half a working day to practising sports activity.

Ministry of Transport

Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, the Minister of Transport and Communications, said the day paved the way for Bahrainis to make sports a way of life. The ministry organised many sporting events and activities and competitions.

Ministry of Works

 Works Affairs at the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning organised various sporting events at Al Najma Sports Club in Juffair.

Led by the minister, Esam bin Abdullah Khalaf, personnel from the ministry took a walk on the new Al Fateh Walkway used by an increasingly high number of people. “The ministry is implementing several service projects for encouraging sports and creating a social and recreational outlet to achieve sustainable development,” Khalaf said.

Undersecretary for Works Affairs, Ahmed Abdulaziz AlKhayyat, said the event encouraged all to adopt a healthy lifestyle and promote the culture of sports as a way of life. Employees took part in various exercises, games, badel games, which gained popularity recently.


Royal University for Women organised activities for members from academic and administrative bodies and students, led by the university’s President, Professor Yusra Mouzughi, at its campus in Riffa. Programmes included a walkathon across the campus and a table tennis competition, in addition to the fitness exercise (Zumba) for university students and female employees in the RUW Sports Centre. Gifts and prizes were distributed to the participants. RUW President Prof Yusra Mouzughi emphasised keenness to spread awareness of the importance of sports in its community.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, senior officials and employees of the ministry, ambassadors and employees of diplomatic missions accredited to Bahrain took part in celebrations organised. Diplomatic missions and consulates of Bahrain abroad organised various programmes marking the day.

Labour Ministry

The Ministry of Labour and Social Development held various activities led by the Minister of Labour and Social Development, Jameel bin Muhammad Ali Humaidan. The minister affirmed the importance of promoting a sports culture to lead a healthy life and promote social advancement.

“An employee who cares about his physical fitness constantly increase his productivity and work circle for the energy he possesses.”

The ministry, among other activities, organised a sports festival at Madinat Zayed Park with the participation of 15 institutions for the elderly.

Noga holding

The Oil & Gas Holding Company (nogaholding) held a Padel tournament for its employees to celebrate National Sports Day.

The tournament took place at Pro Padel, located in Al Hidd, in the presence of company CEO and senior members of the nogaholding team, and concluded with the presentation of a trophy to the overall winner of the tournament.


Bahrain’s Centre for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies (DERASAT) organised various sports activities for its employees while observing COVID-19 precautions. The day began with a quick COVID test for all participants.

Executive Director Dr. Hamad Al-Abdulla, management members and staff took part in a walkathon, bicycle rides, stationary e-bike machines, and a football match. Healthy snacks and drinks were distributed.


Ministry of Transportation


Ministry of Works








Noga holding








Labour Ministry


Bahrain Embassy, London


Capital Council





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