*** ----> Smuggled alcohol seized in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Smuggled alcohol seized in Bahrain

As many as 230 bottles and cans of smuggled alcoholic beverages from Bahrain were seized by the Saudi authorities on King Fahd Causeway recently. King Fahd Causeway Saudi Customs Head Fahd Al Otaibi explained that the smuggled beverages were confiscated in two incidents.

“A number of 206 bottles and cans were found in one vehicle by the customs inspection unit. It was hidden in different parts of the vehicle. Bottles and cans were wrapped by cloths and stashed in cardboard boxes. 

Some were found in a handbag that was kept on the front seat,” Al Otaibi said. The second attempt was foiled when 24 bottles were found hidden in another vehicle.

Al Otaibi added that the bottles were stashed in an clever way in powdered soapboxes, which were sealed as it was done by the manufacturer.

“More were found in improvised holes that were created in the backseats,” Al Otaibi stated, adding that legal procedures have been taken.

As reported earlier, Saudi Customs at King Fahd Causeway arrested a man who was trying to smuggle 12 alcohol bottles hidden in secret pockets in his trousers.

Basically, cars going from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia go through customs only at the Saudi side, while vehicles entering Bahrain are only checked at the Bahraini side of the Causeway. The 25-kilometre King Fahd Causeway, opened in November 1986, is used by thousands of people every day to travel or commute between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, mainly on weekends and public holidays, making it one of the busiest traffic sectors in the Arab world.

Interior Ministry announced few days ago that a total of 17,499,7 people entered from Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries through the causeway last week.

Foiled smuggling attempts via the Causeway have included explosives, weapons, detonators, drugs, wild animals, and birds that are often stashed in wooden boxes and secret storages. 



Caption : 

Bottles and cans stuffed in soap powder boxes which were seized by Saudi authorities during smuggling attempts


Report by 

DT News Network



Cans of alcohol seized

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