*** ----> Let four nations take lead, says UK official | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Let four nations take lead, says UK official

Turkey, Saudi, Iran and Egypt have a key role to play in sorting the Middle Eastern crisis, especially Syrian issue, said Chairman of Foreign Affairs Select Committee, House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Crispin Blunt.

Addressing the last session of Manama Dialogue organised by International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Blunt said that Saudi and Egypt should use diplomatic power to work with Turkey and Iran to sort out Middle Eastern crisis.

Now it is time to play a constructive role in the region, he said, adding, “Try and make it easier to each other.”

Blunt said Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon have every reason to ask help from others as they have been assisting many war refugees. But the world has failed in this issue even after the conflict entered into its fourth year, he said, stressing the need for sustainable transition in Syria.

He also asked the international coalition supporting the opposition to stop setting conditions on Syrian President Bashar Al Assad leaving office.

“The regime will not take part in talks if we insist on that condition. We need the regime to take part in the talks, even though we all know that we want Al Assad to leave,” Blunt said.

Commenting on ‘welcome culture’ of Germany on Syrian refugees, he said that this policy would worsen the situation, as there are millions of people who want to try their luck.



Caption : Crispin Blunt


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