*** ----> Cabinet pulls the plug on flats in old neighbourhoods | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cabinet pulls the plug on flats in old neighbourhoods

Ways to regulate construction of flats and villas in old residential neighbourhoods in order to smoothen traffic flow and ease pressure on other infrastructure facilities were discussed by the Cabinet yesterday.

The session, chaired by Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday, also discussed changing the classification of those old neighbourhoods from the current “B” to “C”, and referred the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee for Urbanisation and Infrastructure, chaired by Deputy Premier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, to the Ministerial Committee for Legal Affairs, as proposed by the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

HRH the Prime Minister issued directives to speed up the implementation of the approved projects without delay, and tasked the Ministerial Committee for Urbanisation and Infrastructure to follow up on the eight development projects he had ordered during his recent visit to Muharraq and his meeting with its Municipal Council.

The session also discussed a draft decree on determining the minister in charge of implementing Decree-Law 25/2015 on collecting the expenses of the construction and development of infrastructure in areas under construction.

It discussed a draft edict on forming a committee to estimate the cost of the infrastructure stipulated in the aforementioned decree-law. The two issues, included in the memorandum presented by the Deputy Premier and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Urbanisation and Infrastructure, were referred to the Ministerial Committee for Legal Affairs.

The session approved a draft resolution on determining the fees levied on services provided in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the Real Estate Development Law, as outlined in the memorandum presented by the Deputy Premier and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Urbanisation and Infrastructure.

The Cabinet also discussed a draft resolution on the issuance of licences of public transport activities for companies and individuals and the fees to be levied on them.