*** ----> Formula 1 boosts hotel occupancy rate in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Formula 1 boosts hotel occupancy rate in Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Formula 1 Grand Prix has made people get their suitcases out once again, and that is reflecting well in Bahrain’s hotel occupancy rates, which has now touched its peak. The latest estimates suggest that hotel occupancies have improved 70% to 100% in some hotels.

The sudden gush in tourist arrivals is giving a much-needed boost to the sector that suffered substantial losses in the last two years amid the pandemic induced lockdowns.

Hotel managers have attributed this scenario to the holidays in Saudi Arabia, which also coincided with the sporting events in Bahrain, especially the Formula 1 race at the Bahrain International Circuit, reported out sister concern AlAyam.

Mostafa Zakaria, Director of Sales Department at Hilton Garden Inn Bahrain Bay, said the occupancy rate exceeded all expectations, resembling the golden age of Bahrain’s tourism market.

“Reservations began to rise gradually for 17th to 10th March nearly three weeks ago, and it touched 100% in several hotels, making this period one of the best in terms of hotel occupancy.”

“The holidays in Saudi Arabia directly contributed to this high occupancy rates,” the report quoting Zakaria said. “The demand would continue beyond Formula one to the Ram[1]adan, but at lower rates.”

Zakaria said that the hotel prices are currently at their peak, taking advantage of the increased tourist footfalls. The CEO of the Golden Tulip Hotel, Abdul Rahim Al-Sayed, told AlAyam that the sporting activities in the Kingdom had led to the sudden jump in the occupancy rates.

“The MMA, weight lifting and other events are pushed occupancy rates to above 80%.” He further added that Formula 1 had contributed to this rate in a big way.

“Occupancy began to increase from the middle of this month,” he said, adding that this increase would continue until this month’s 25th.

“The authority announced a series of events to attract more regional and international tourists last year in February,” Dr Nasser Qaidi, the CEO of the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority, said.

“This would contribute to achieving the objective of Bahrain’s tourism strategy on the one hand and support event management companies and other tourism-related facilities on the other hand.