*** ----> Massive response for financial compensation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Massive response for financial compensation

Atotal of 145,000 Bahraini families have so far registered for the special financial compensation which followed the decision to scrap meat subsidies, said Minister of Information, Parliament Affairs Isa bin Abdulrahman Al Hammadi.

Addressing the weekly post-cabinet press briefing, the Minister said that the price of non-subsidised meat remained unchanged in the market. Meanwhile, the price of previously Government- subsidised meat underwent changes once the decision to scrap subsidies and pay citizens financial compensation took effect.

The Minister reiterated the Government’s commitment to carry out infrastructure projects, which concern main and secondary roads, adding that the budget for the scheme has already been allocated under the Gulf Financial Development Plan. He pointed out that funds had already been earmarked for the Ministry of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning to commence work on the planned interior roads.

Regarding the decision to levy fees on public transport activities, he said that the measure would apply to radio taxi cabs, car rentals, motorcycles and other categories, pointing out that some trade companies and individuals hold licences to exercise such activities. Al Hammadi highlighted the proposed amendments of the terms and conditions governing construction in residential areas.

Under the amended legislation, a commissioned panel, which is yet to be established, would first assess the costs of expanding infrastructure, to be then distributed among the investors who own the land. “The new procedure will contribute to fast-tracking projects and enable the government to recover the costs of extending infrastructure, which would benefit all parties”, he said.

He stressed the importance regulating the relations between owners in housing projects, pointing out that a union binding all parties before the law would be set up.

Al Hammadi stressed the efforts exerted by the Ministry of health to provide healthcare for sickle cell patients, pointing out the demands of patients and their related association regarding the provision of medicine.