*** ----> Change policy to ensure job security: Mahfoodh | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Change policy to ensure job security: Mahfoodh

MP Jalal Kadhim Al Mahfoodh, Deputy Chairman of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the Council of Representatives, has urged the government to change the temporary employment policy in the ministry and government institutions to ensure job security for the citizens. He was referring to the recent issue with a number of Alba employees.

He pointed out that the public sectors that employ people part- time or under internships is an open call for private sectors to do the same and the official authorities should not keep throwing responsibility in the case of unemployed graduates to other government agencies as it shows a lack of strategic plan to solve the issue.

Al Mahfoodh warned about the growing problem, pointing out that the number of unemployed university graduates continued to increase every year, which accumulated over time with any radical or real solution due to the absence of a formal strategy on the issue.

He called out on the need to develop plans and programmes by creating new programmes offered by Tamkeen to take advantage of its budget of 80 million dollars per year to cooperate with other government agencies to establish industrial and commercial projects to secure jobs for the unemployed in the economy.