*** ----> Bahrain court grants wife’s petition for divorce after paying 23 fils | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court grants wife’s petition for divorce after paying 23 fils

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

An Arab woman was divorced from her husband after paying only 23 Bahraini fils, which equals the dowry she received from him, and giving up all of her other rights as dower.

The woman married in her native Egypt, and her husband gave her one Egyptian pound in dowry, which is equivalent to 23 Bahraini fils.

He brought her to live in Bahrain, but problems arose between them, prompting her to file for divorce with the High Shariat Court.

She contended that Islam encourages patience and addresses the root causes of hatred. However, she said that tensions between them had reached a breaking point and that there was no way to resolve their differences, and that all attempts to get them to reconcile had failed.

As a result, she petitioned the court for a divorce, agreeing to return the dowry and waive her rights. In its judgement, the court stated that the plaintiff had resorted to it, seeking for divorce from her husband on the basis of her hatred for life with him, pointing out that she had refused the court’s efforts for reconciliation between them and insisted on her request.

“As a result, the court decided to grant the plaintiff’s request in exchange for relinquishing the full dowry mentioned in the marriage contract, equal to one Egyptian pound, as well as giving up all of her other rights,” the ruling read.