
Noting the outstanding supervisory level of the work of the National Audit Office (NAO), Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa praised the quantum leap made in NAO’s performance regarding its support for the government in preserving financial resources through identifying violations and irregularities of public money cases. 

HRH Premier said that the government had adopted numerous measures to ensure the highest degree of control over aspects of public money spending and use to ensure maximum benefit.

“There is no complacency regarding tampering with public money. It’s the money of the state and the right of the people, and the legal and constitutional tools in force can allow the government to counter any illegal practices in using it,” Prince Khalifa explained during his meeting with President of the NAO Hassan bin Khalifa Al Jalahma at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday.

Al Jalahma handed over to him the annual National Audit Report 2014/2015 on the occasion.

HRH the Prime Minister hailed NAO’s effective exercise of its supervisory role, using the existing laws and legislation that regulate its work and contributed to improving the performance of many sides that are under its capacity.

The NAO President said the 2014/2015 National Audit Report was the 12th of its kind to be submitted to HRH Premier, as required by Article (19) of NAW Law.

He praised the Premier’s interest in following up on the implementation of NAO’s remarks, noting that the government’s commitment to implementing NAO’s recommendations would contribute to enhancing its performance.

Al Jalahma said the NAO would continue its cooperation with the government in line with the two sides’ commitment to achieving common national goals. Recalling the cooperation of Ministers and heads of departments with NAO, he remarked that it had enabled NAO to assume the duties assigned to it in the best way.