*** ----> Indian Embassy hosts open house | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian Embassy hosts open house

TDT | Manama   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Embassy of India hosted the open house yesterday between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm where Ambassador Piyush Srivastava spoke directly to the Indian community at the Embassy to address their urgent and non-routine consular and employment issues.

Mr Srivastava expressed his happiness on holding physical open house after a long gap. The mission has been holding virtual open house due to covid protocol so far.

Ambassador informed the community about the mega Indo-Bahrain Cultural Festival being organised by the Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam under patronage of the Embassy, which will be held from May 3 to 14 May, 2022 as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Bahrain.

He also informed them about the visit of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev of ISHA Foundation to Bahrain for raising global consciousness on save soil event. Ambassador urged community members to participate in the event.

Most of the cases which were raised in the last open house have been successfully resolved. These included some of the long pending and complicated cases. Travel ban case of Mr. Cyril Thomas is now closed, the embassy said in a press release issued.

“The case of two fishermen who were stuck in Bahrain as their passports were with held by their sponsor has also been resolved through the Embassy’s intervention,” it added. The case of Ms. Smitha (pregnant with three children and husband) who had been subject to several travel bans was also resolved.

The embassy assisted in providing Emergency certificate and tickets to distressed people through ICWF. The open house was held in positive atmosphere. The community members particularly the labourers and workers brought their specific non routine consular issues in front of the Embassy’s consular team lead by Ambassador for which solutions were provided at the forum itself. The Embassy looks forward to next open house in physical format.