*** ----> Bahrain, Oman sign parliamentary cooperation memorandum | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain, Oman sign parliamentary cooperation memorandum

TDT | Manama  

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Speaker Fawza bint Abdullah Zainal and Oman's Shura Council Chairman Shaikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali have signed a memorandum of cooperation to bolster ties between the two countries. The memorandum reflects the keenness of the two chambers to contribute to strengthening their bonds in various fields and to bolster coordination at all levels.

The agreement covers strengthening parliamentary cooperation and promoting shared interests in sustainable development, future foresight, innovation and the exchange of parliamentary and diplomatic experiences.

The memorandum also stressed the importance of consultation, coordination and exchange of views on various issues of common interest, and working together to exchange experiences on commitment to international charters and agreements ratified by both countries, and the optimal mechanisms for their implementation within national frameworks.

The memo emphasized the importance of harnessing joint efforts and unified positions on the basic principles of international cooperation, especially with regard to the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

It also called for strengthening communication between the two countries through the exchange of parliamentary visits and activities between the two sides, and holding bilateral parliamentary meetings on the sidelines of regional and international forums.