*** MPs call for unified stances against Iran | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs call for unified stances against Iran


A majority of parliamentarians called for unifying Arab efforts to combat the nonstop Iranian expansion in the region, it was announced yesterday.

A total of 28 MPs said Iran is tearing into Arabian countries, such as in Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon and Yemen.

 This came yesterday in a printed statement that wasn’t announced earlier, and was circulated during the twenty second ordinary Parliament meeting, which was headed by the council’s speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Mulla.

The statement was issued by MP Jamal Bu Hassan and was approved by the remaining 27 MPs. It called for “intensifying the ongoing joint Arabian military operations in Yemen, to cut the expanding Iranian hand into the region.”

 Secondly, we demand to ensure safety and security in Arabian countries by establishing a united Arab military force. Its main task should be the immediate interference to grant security to Arab states,” the statement read.

 Bu Hassan also called for supporting the uprisings of the “distressed” people of Iran and their legitimate resistance against the ruling regime there.

 “The people’s resistance was the first alarm, proving Iran’s blatant interference in the region. Supporting the people would be the key to make changes and balance regional powers, and to achieve peace and security in the region,” the MP said.

 Highlighting the roles of key religious and political Arab figures, Bu Hassan called upon religious clerics, Islamic centres and politicians to take a stance against Iranian continuous misconduct in the region.

 Supporting the demands mentioned in the statement, the MP blamed the ongoing agony of the people of Syria, who lost more than 350, 000 souls during the past three years, on Iran, as he claimed it is controlling the situations there.

 The lawmaker also added the Iranian presence in Iraq has spread hatred, sectarianism and has contributed in ripping the country apart.