
counterterrorism operation conducted  by Bahrain’s security authorities has resulted in the identification of a terrorist network and the arrest of 47 suspects. Security authorities confirmed yesterday that the arrests disrupted a number of sizable terrorist attacks planned for the near future.

A range of high-grade explosives, bomb making materials and weapons were seized from several locations within populated residential areas. In addition to the materials seized, a bomb- making facility and an explosives laboratory were discovered. 

Among the seizures were homemade bombs and raw bomb-making materials, including C4, TATP, Urea Nitrate, and Nitro Cellulose. 

Ammunition and anti- personnel bomb molds were also seized along with partially constructed armour-piercing explosive devices.

The investigation and several surveillance operations have revealed that, as with previous terrorist incidents in 2015, the suspects arrested hold strong connections with terrorist organisations in Iran.

Over the past six months multiple seizures of explosives, homemade IED’s, bomb- manufacturing equipment and  caches of arms and ammunition have been directly linked to Iranian-backed extremists, who intended to use the materials in terror attacks in Bahrain.

Security authorities’ investigations are in progress to identify and locate any additional suspects. Anyone with information has been asked to call the police hotline on 80008008. All calls will be treated as anonymous.