*** ----> Three get 5 years in jail, BD3,000 fine for smuggling drugs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three get 5 years in jail, BD3,000 fine for smuggling drugs

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The First High Criminal Court sentenced three people to five years in prison for smuggling narcotic substances into Bahrain.

The Court also slapped them each with a fine of BD3,000 and ordered their deportation after completing jail terms.

The Public Prosecution has charged them with smuggling psychotropic substances in quantities other than those authorised by law, with the intent of selling.

Incidents leading to the case started with a Customs officer growing suspicious over a person’s behaviour and diverting him to the red lane for a detailed examination.

The suspect, the officer revealed, appeared to be confused at that time.

A detailed examination revealed drugs hidden at the bottom of the bag, which weighed around 5 kilograms. During interrogation, the suspect confessed he was part of a network that brought the drugs for distribution inside Bahrain.

The suspect also confessed that he was receiving money for the job.

Further investigation landed a second suspect into custody who revealed his job as receiving and distributing the drugs.

They also revealed to investigators that another person would arrive in Bahrain the next day with drugs.

Officials then stationed undercover agents to identify and bring the suspect into custody.

Soon after his arrival, officers escorted the suspect to the red lane for further checks.

A detailed examination resulted in finding 5 kilograms of drugs hidden in one of his bags. The suspect confessed that he was a drug mule contracted to smuggle drugs into Bahrain and was supposed to hand over the drugs to the second suspect.