*** Bahraini jailed for laundering BD65,000 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini jailed for laundering BD65,000

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A Bahraini man was sentenced to five years in jail by the High Criminal Court for embezzling more than BD65,000 from two investors. The defendant is accused of approaching an investor and a businessman and offering them the opportunity to establish a real estate company.

They paid BD250,000 to set up the company and begin operations. Thereafter, one of the victims offered him to buy a property plot, but the investors were shocked to learn that the account was empty. They called the defendant, who claimed that there had been an error with the bank and that he would contact them.

He promised to return their money, and he gave them cheques that bounced. As a result, they filed a case against him, accusing him of lying and deception. The defendant was earlier sentenced to one year in prison.