*** ----> US-Bahrain Collaboration to Visualize the Dilmun Era by Local Artists | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US-Bahrain Collaboration to Visualize the Dilmun Era by Local Artists

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In sponsorship by the US Embassy in Bahrain, and in collaboration with the Bahrain Authority of Culture and Antiquities, the “Artists for a Cause” program, a series of creative classes to teach sought-after digital art skills to selected members of philanthropic societies and authorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain, concluded its Dilmun workshop series, featuring the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The four workshops were held at the Bahrain Natural Museum from the 12 to 23, of July 2022, titled:  Conceptual Sketching: Visualizing Dilmun, Visualizing the Strong Woman Ziu-Dori, Visualizing King Gilgamesh, and Visualizing Enkidu the Legendary Warrior.


The participants worked on multiple projects to visualize elements from the Dilmun Civilization and the Epic of Gilgamesh. A group of the participating artists illustrated comic strips featuring Queen Ziu-Dori, while other used their iPads to draw Humbaba “the Guard of the forest.”  Some even animated their Dilmun storylines using computer applications.

The workshops were presented by Bahraini artist and architect Zainab Abdulmohsen, journalist Zainab Almahdi, conceptual artist Fatima Abduljalil, and the program’s founder Mohamed Almahdi.

The free workshops were open for Bahrainis from 15 to 25 years old and were part of a collaboration with Bahrain Summer 2022.