*** ----> 75th Independence Day a milestone in India's journey, says Indian Ambassador to Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

75th Independence Day a milestone in India's journey, says Indian Ambassador to Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Indian Ambassador Piyush Srivastava has called on community members in the Kingdom to participate in the flag hoisting ceremony at the Embassy on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of India's Independence on the 15th of August at 7 am.

"This will be a special day and a milestone in the journey of India's Independence, especially in in-person mode after a two-year hiatus amid the pandemic," said the Indian Ambassador. Srivastava was addressing an open house held at the Embassy with the participation of 60 community members, the Embassy's consular team and a panel of lawyers.

The interactive session, chaired by Piyush Srivastava, discussed consular and labour matters and praised the Indian community, organisations including ICRF, TASCA, World NRI Council and volunteers for working with the Embassy in resolving most of the cases raised in the last open house.

The Ambassador briefed the meeting on the successful repatriation of several workers, including Packiriswamy & family, Pachamuthu, Kaliyamoorthy, Usha Kaur, Abhimanyu Singh and Mukkan Thayyullathil Chandran, with the assistance of local authorities. Srivastava thanked LMRA and the Government of Bahrain authorities for their support and facilitation.