*** ----> Asian woman jailed in Bahrain for scamming and money laundering | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian woman jailed in Bahrain for scamming and money laundering

TDT | Manama                                                                 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court sentenced an Asian woan to four years in prison for scamming and money laundering and fined her BD46,000.

Meanwhile, it acquitted an Asian man of taking part in the crime due to a lack of evidence. As per the police records, the defendant helped an unknown person living abroad to seize BD23,000 from several victims through fake bank calls and fraudulent contests.

According to court files, the woman’s role was to help the unknown man launder the money in exchange for an agreed percentage.

Her activities came to light after the General Directorate of Anti-Corruption and Economic & Electronic Security received several complaints from victims who claimed they fell prey to a scam.

The woman was captured after it was found that the money which was embezzled from the victims’ accounts was initially transferred to her account before they were sent to offshore accounts. Investigations uncovered that the woman laundered part of the money she received by making suspicious transactions.

Police officers also found that the woman used the and visa card. However, the latter denied knowing anything about the woman’s activities. She was cleared of the charges against him as the Court doubted his participation in the scheme. The defendant will be permanently deported after serving her punishment.