*** Man set to face court judgment for ‘defaming’ religious symbol: Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man set to face court judgment for ‘defaming’ religious symbol: Bahrain

TDT | Manama                                                             

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Lower Criminal Court has set 31 August 2022 as the date to announce its verdict against a man accused of defaming a religious symbol on TikTok. The man is said to have appeared live on TikTok with a teenager insulting a religious icon.

They were identified and questioned for their action. They admitted to offending a religious icon on the popular social media site. They were charged with misusing telecommunication means. The defendant was sent to the Lower Criminal Court, but the 17-year-old boy was sent to the Correctional Court after he was presented to a social worker to examine him.

The Head of the Family and Child Prosecution affirmed earlier that freedom of opinion and expression is guaranteed to all in accordance with the established principles, the constitution and the law in a manner that does not undermine the sanctity of religion or its symbols or provoke division and sectarianism among members of society.

“What happened from the accused was in violation of these regulations. Therefore, they are responsible for their conduct, and then they deserve the penalty prescribed by law for it,” she said.