*** ----> Husband gets five-year jail term in Bahrain for pushing wife off balcony | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Husband gets five-year jail term in Bahrain for pushing wife off balcony

TDT | Manama                                                                            

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court sentenced a young Arab national to five years in prison and deportation after completing it for pushing his wife off the balcony of their home following a quarrel.

Fortunately, the wife fell on a car that was parked below the balcony, reducing the severity of the impact, despite sustaining injury and bruising.

The wife had left the marital home due to frequent quarrels and physical assault by the accused, renting an apartment where she stayed by herself.

However, the accused refused to leave her alone and brought her back home on the day of the incident, where they continued the quarrel until he assaulted her again.

As per usual, the wife went to the window and threatened to throw herself should he hit her once more. The accused pushed her himself, causing her to fall off the balcony onto a car parked below.

She called out to passersby for help and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The medical report indicated that she had bruises and injuries resulting in a permanent impairment estimated at 5% in the bottom of her feet.

The Public Prosecution charged the accused with attempted murder on March 2022, as he deliberately pushed the victim from the window with killing intent, causing the injuries detailed in medical report.

The crime was hindered by extraneous circumstances: the victim’s fall on a car which reduced the severity of the impact, as well as the victim crying for help from passersby.