*** ----> Bahrain begins probe into school electoral campaign video | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain begins probe into school electoral campaign video

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

The Election Crime Investigation Committee has begun probing into an alleged electoral campaign at a school after being notified about a viral video, apparently an electoral law violation.

The Cybercrime Department of the General Department for Anti-Corruption, Economic Security and Electronics at the Ministry of Interior stated that a video clip on social media platforms showed a parliamentary candidate, along with another person, as he was campaigning amidst a group of people gathering.

“Both the candidate and the second individual have been summoned and confronted with the content of the video clip as evidence of a violation of election law, prior to referring them to stand an urgent trial,” said Advocate General, Head of the Electoral Crimes Investigation Committee.

Decree-Law No 15 of 2002 regarding the Shura and Representatives Council prohibits candidates, in the context of electoral propaganda, from organising or holding electoral meetings or giving speeches in places of worship, universities, scientific institutes, government and private schools, or in squares, streets and public roads.

Those candidates who are violators of the law may be jailed up to one year or fined up to BD1,000. According to the ministry, all candidates for the House of Representatives and local councils must adhere to civilised principles of conduct during their campaigns to avoid harming the reputation of any other candidates, insulting them, or questioning their ability.

As part of the electoral code of conduct, the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs earlier banned erecting election campaign billboards on select 23 streets in the Kingdom.

The notified streets are King Hamad Street, Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Street, Crown Prince Street, Khalifa Grand Street, Al Fateh Street, Shaikh Isa bin Salman Street, Shaikh Salman Street, King Faisal Street, King Abdullah Street, Airport Street, Istiklal Street, Zallaq Street, Shaikh Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah Street, Dry Dock Street, Shaikh Khalifa bBin Salman Causeway Street, Shaikh Hamad Bridge Street, Shaikh Isa bin Salman Bridge Street, Arad Street, Hidd Street, Diving Street, Bahrain Bay Street, Prince Saud Al Faisal Street and Camp Street. The ministry also emphasised the rules governing election propaganda tools, including the slogans, posters, images, brochures and writings that are used in electoral campaigns.

Those candidates or their supporters who engage in discrimination against the tenets of the Islamic faith and the unity of the people, or anything that leads to sectarianism or division among residents will be penalised.

The officials have also banned the use of the Kingdom’s flag or official emblem in gatherings, advertisements, electoral statements and loudspeakers outside polling places.