*** ----> ‘Paris to Manama’ fashion week kicks off in style | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Paris to Manama’ fashion week kicks off in style

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Ashen Tharaka

The second edition of the Fashion Week-Paris to Manama kicked off yesterday at the French Embassy in Bahrain.

The event is being organised by the embassy in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs, Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities and Tamkeen.

The fashion week was launched by French Ambassador Jérôme Cauchard in the presence of several prominent personalities and guests.

The event comes under the framework of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and Bahrain.

The first edition held last year has been a great hit. The event will feature competitions between fashion designers, workshops, discussions and an outdoor fashion show.

The event will give opportunities for young Bahraini emerging fashion designers to showcase their talents and explore new avenues of growth while encouraging cultural exchanges between France and Bahrain.

On October 20, the fashion show will be held outdoors, near the waterfront outside National Theatre of Bahrain, where a dozen of emerging designers will compete under the theme “Fashion Meets Art and Design” and will display and reveal their collections.

The jury made up of Bahraini and French experts will vote and give the winner the opportunity to showcase their skills in France. About 500 guests are expected to attend the event.

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