*** ----> US Embassy launches Discover America Week 2022 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US Embassy launches Discover America Week 2022

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Staff Reporter

The US Embassy in Bahrain has launched its Discover America Week 2022 (DAW 2022) and it will be held until October 20.

This year, Discover America Week’s theme focuses on the food industry and American food franchises, and will highlight the wonderful US agricultural and food products available here in Bahrain, said a statement issued by the US Embassy.

Tomorrow, US Ambassador to Bahrain Steven Bondy will attend an event titled AmCham Discover America Week Reception that will be held at Big Texas BBQ Juffair.

On Thursday, Papa John’s Pizza Community Outreach Programme will be held at The Jawad Dome, Barbar, which will have in attendance the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission. Earlier, in a statement issued, Mr Bondy said: “We live in a time when commodity prices are rising and many suffer from food insecurity.

Food is a precious resource, and we should all be mindful of the time, effort, and resources required to bring meat, fruit, vegetables, and grains from their sources to our plates.

“Recognising this, Bahrain launched a social media campaign on October 10 to change food consumption behaviours and end food waste in the Kingdom.

The campaign was created by young volunteers, reminding us that the decisions we make about food waste today can impact the food security of future generations.

I commend the leaders behind this initiative.

“American farmers are doing their part to solve the food security crisis by expanding agricultural production to feed a world in need. The US government works with allies and partners to get help where it is desperately needed.

The United States hbal efforts to strengthen food systems in vulnerable countries.”as long addressed global food insecurity through its Feed the Future programme, committing $1 billion per year to glo