*** ----> Growth of Iraq’s militia state ‘a regional threat’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Growth of Iraq’s militia state ‘a regional threat’

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Staff Reporter

Iraq, a failed state, has been usurped by militias and with Iran influencing these groups a major threat hovers over the Mideast region, a prominent broadcaster, security expert, writer and journalist has warned.

The alert call came as Baria Alamuddin’s latest book titled ‘Militia State: The Rise of Al Hashd Al Shaabi and the Eclipse of the Iraqi Nation State’ was officially launched in Bahrain on Monday evening, at an event organised by The International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Baria said the root of insurgency in Iraq has been the vacuum created by the occupation forces in the year 2003, which was misused to the maximum by the Iranian regime.


“Coalition Provisional Authority decisions, de-Ba’athification and disbanding the Army, compounded the security problem and contributed to local support for or acquiescence in ‘militia’ dominance.

Every political group had an armed wing, and as parties’ power was secured so too did militia strength grow.

“In later years, these groups penetrated state institutions, using politics, intimidation and coercion to entrench themselves.

The threat of the Islamic State prompted in 2014 the biggest mobilisation to date: militia groups obtained state support and legitimacy, regardless of their domestic behaviour and external support.

And thus Al Hashd Al Shaabi was born sometime in 2016.”

The veteran journalist said Iraqi politicians would hail this group as heroes and patriots, further compounding the issue.

“The militia runs a parallel government across Iraq. Extortions are a common affair and so is the trafficking of drugs.

Along with the politicians they are siphoning off the oil wealth of the nation while the majority of the population are enduring extreme poverty.”

She said the militia, which is under the active influence of the Iranian regime, is being bankrolled by the Iraqi state.

“The Shia population of Iraq has been used and misused by the Iranian regime, which always wanted to export terror.”

“Popular Mobilisation Forces now control every aspect of Iraqi life, from politics to military.

The present prime minister of Iraq, Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, has been imposed on the people by the militia and Nour Al Maliki.”

Baria said the political battle in Iraq is not between Sunnis and Shias, but among Shias themselves.


“There are Shias who consider themselves as nationalists and there is the other group, which considers themselves as pro-Iran.

Their differences are poured into the country’s political scenario.”

The session was moderated by Dr Hasan Alhasan, Research Fellow for Middle East Policy.

Dr Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Daij Al Khalifa, Secretary-General of the Higher Education Council, Roderick Drummond, the British Ambassador to Bahrain, prominent businessman Akram Miknas and many other dignitaries attended the event.

Baria is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster in the Middle East and the UK.

She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewed numerous heads of state.

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