*** ----> Unite for climate change: US Special Envoy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Unite for climate change: US Special Envoy

TDT | Manama                

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Staff Reporter

Nations across the world must co-operate to achieve set climate targets and the developed world must help the developing world to withstand the impacts of climate change, said John Kerry, US Special Envoy on Climate.

Kerry made this statement during a telephonic briefing with journalists from across the world, which was attended by The Daily Tribune.

His statement attains special significance as Egypt’s Sharm el Sheikh is all set to host the COP27 meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change next month.

“The Sharm el Sheikh meeting is almost here. And the purpose of it is to make sure the promises that were made in Glasgow are actually being pursued at the pace they need to be pursued in,” Kerry said. He said commitments are necessary from all nations to address this huge concern.

“The scientists, the IPCC, and all of the evidence are telling us that it is imperative we do everything in our power to keep the Earth’s temperature increases to 1.5 degrees centigrade.

“If we don’t do that, we will bring much greater destruction on ourselves, on the planet, much more inhospitable, even unlivable conditions for living, for fishing, for survival of the oceans, for the being able to work outdoors in extreme heat areas of the world, the sea-level rise.

“I mean, there are so many consequences of not getting this job done that to some degree that’s overwhelming to some people and they sort of back off and think they can’t do anything.