*** ----> 'Tehran biggest existing threat to Mideast peace' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

'Tehran biggest existing threat to Mideast peace'

TDT | Manama                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zahra Ayaz

I ran is undoubtedly the biggest security threat in the region and there has to be unified efforts to tackle the rogue regime, a leading Israeli strategist and defence studies academician has opined.

During an exclusive interaction with The Daily Tribune, Dan Schueftan, an Israeli academic and chairman of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa, the rising influence of Iran in the region offers direct threat to both GCC nations and Israel.

“Today, Israel is in a difficult situation with Iran, not only because Iran directly threatens Israel, but also because Iran dominates the entire region, and if Iran succeeds in dominating the region, it will be bad not only for the country securing the Middle East, but also dangerous to Israel.

“Ignorant is the most difficult challenge. Israel is in a better position than before because it is recognised around the world, particularly in the Middle East, so if Israel works with Middle Eastern countries, it will try to prevent Iran from jeopardising the region.”

Mr. Dan said Israel has always upheld democratic values. “To the best of my knowledge, Israel is a unique situation, and it is the only democratic open society that is bringing war for generations. The question is how one can survive in extremely difficult circumstances while maintaining a democratic and open system in which people can freely express themselves; we have both experience in bringing together the toughest and softest times.

“On the one hand, you must be tough enough to survive while also being soft enough to ensure that your survival has meaning and that you survive as an open, vibrant society from which others can learn.”

Highlighting the growing bilateral ties between Israel and Bahrain, he said: “We have a common interest in strengthening our bilateral ties because of Israel’s needs, and Bahrain can have a positive impact on Israel’s needs.

This means that we can come to Bahrain and learn, and you can come to Israel and learn, and we can maintain a good relationship and be willing to cooperate.” Mr. Dan opined that Palestinian peace roadmap, at the moment, seems to be a tough task.

“When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, unfortunately, I do not see any way out. The reason is that the Palestinian leaders are unwilling to accept any compromise. “We tried to approach them again and again, but the Palestinians rejected each time.

Personally, I believe that no one is willing to take a risk, and that no leaders are currently willing to take the risk of promoting such an approach, so there is no road to peace being established,” he added. Mr. Dan also spoke briefly about Russia’s aggressive move in Ukraine, saying, “I think the war in Ukraine taught people in Europe and the United States that Putin is not the best at this job, and also a barbaric aggressor, and since Putin is currently pursuing the war against Ukraine, the best we can do is help the Ukrainians defend themselves, and we need to make sure this kind of barbaric war doesn’t happen again.”

When asked about whether the transition to a multipolar world could lead to more or fewer conflicts, Mr. Dan responded, “I am very much aware of what may happen if Chinese control the reality in the world order, remember China today is the most totalitarian system ever existed inside China, imposing its policies in a most sophisticated way.

“I think people who want to live in freedom should be very much concerned about what’s happening inside China, you know, because it’s the most totalitarian system ever existed inside,” he continued. “I don’t believe a change in the world order will promote freedom; I would prefer to keep American control.”

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