*** ----> RCSI Bahrain supports Childhood Cancer Awareness Month | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

RCSI Bahrain supports Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Medical University of Bahrain (RCSI Bahrain) recently held a number of fundraising activities in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

The fundraising activities were held in collaboration with local Bahrain charity, The Smile Initiative. With the support of student and staff volunteers, RCSI Bahrain held a zumba and yoga class with all proceeds being donated to the charity.

On October 31, RCSI Bahrain welcomed Mr Sabah Abdul Rahman Al Zayani, Chairman of the Future Society for Youth, along with a number of board members from The Smile Initiative, which includes Head of Language and Cultural Unit at RCSI Bahrain, Dr Amal Al-Qallaf, to formally receive the cheque.

The event was attended by Professor Sameer Otoom, RCSI Bahrain President; Professor Rebecca Jester, Head of School of Nursing & Midwifery and Mr Fadi Ghosn, Head of Careers and Alumni.

Professor Otoom said: “RCSI Bahrain is delighted to continue our relationship with The Smile Initiative.

We very much value the work carried out by the charity with the children of Bahrain who are battling cancer, and their families. We commend their efforts in supporting local families under very difficult circumstances.”

Dr Amal Al-Qallaf praised the efforts of RCSI Bahrain, saying: “The Smile Initiative is grateful for RCSI Bahrain’s engagement and interest in the charity’s works.

The Smile Initiative relies on donations such as this to continue working to support children and families in Bahrain. We hope to continue our relationship with RCSI Bahrain over the coming years.”

RCSI Bahrain is committed to improving health outcomes for the people of Bahrain and in turn supporting local charities who work to support children and families during difficult times.

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