*** ----> Bahraini man beats wife ‘to see children’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man beats wife ‘to see children’

TDT | Manama                 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com  

A 36-year-old Bahraini man mugged his ex-wife and claimed to have committed the crime to pressure her to see his children, not for the purpose of theft, according to court files.

As per the police records, the defendant waited in front of her workplace and stole her mobile phones after assaulting her. The victim had submitted a report stating that her ex-husband, the defendant, beat her while leaving her workplace.

When she tried to escape, her mobile phones reportedly fell to the ground, so he snatched her handbag, lifted the phones and fled the scene. She also reported that her ex-husband physically assaults her every time they meet.

A driver who transports the victim confirmed her testimony, indicating that he was waiting to pick her up from her workplace when he saw the defendant assault her and steal her mobile phones.

The Public Prosecution charged the defendant with stealing movables owned by the victim using force, enabling him to neutralise her resistance, seize the stolen goods, and flee with them.