*** ----> Weather change in Bahrain aids rise in viral fever, flu and confusion: Medical experts | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Weather change in Bahrain aids rise in viral fever, flu and confusion: Medical experts

TDT | Manama                  

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com 

Report by Zahra Ayaz

The recent cold night breeze and drop in day temperature has resulted in an increase in viral fever cases and flu-like symptoms among people.

According to medical sources, the Kingdom is experiencing an increase in viral fever cases due to fluctuating temperature and weather conditions.

Cases of viral fever symptoms are increasing, which may or may not be Covid infection.

Due to fluctuating weather conditions, many children are suffering from viral fever, cough, and cold, but parents are mostly avoiding Covid tests out of fear.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, a Bahrain resident who doesn’t want to be identified said, “Two weeks back, my son had a fever and cough.

He recovered after suffering for four to five days and now he is suffering again from cold and headache since Monday.

“I’m afraid to take my son to the hospital, and like me, many families are opting for self-medication rather than going through a Covid test because I believe it’s the changing weather that’s making most of us sick.

“A lot of people are confused because some doctors or people say they should test for Covid while others say there is no need for it; we are confused.

“I will seek medical attention if my son’s fever persists for an extended period of time and is accompanied by a severe headache, stiff neck, shortness of breath, or other unusual signs or symptoms.”

Earlier, Dr Babu Ramachandran, leading general physician at American Mission Hospital, had spoken to The Daily Tribune saying “There’s nothing to worry about the rising number of viral fever cases.

“It is not unusual to find a rise in flu cases during this period of the year when the climate is changing and gradually becoming colder, we didn’t witness this spike in flu in this climate changing period as people mainly remained indoors and there was no room for transmission.

“However, I urge caution; it is true that a victory has been achieved in the battle against Covid-19 virus, but we must exercise caution to sustain this victory in light of new Covid-19 infections being reported; generally, viral fever will subside in four days, but I would like to advise everyone not to panic and to take rest and drink fluids.”