*** Bahrain to mark World Aids Day today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain to mark World Aids Day today

TDT | Manama                   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com  

Bahrain will join the world in celebrating the World AIDS Day today. The occasion, which is observed on 1 December every year since 1988, is an opportunity to shed light on the efforts of the Ministry of Health to care for patients with AIDS, promote preventive means and review the latest developments related to this disease locally and internationally.

Bahrain accords great concern to following up on the epidemiological situation of AIDS as the kingdom has given community health and safety a top priority. It passed laws and urged more efforts to be exerted to curb the disease and achieve the sustainable development goals, in line with the Kingdom’s strategic trends to serve the community and protect the rights of infected people.

The Kingdom has shown great keenness to fight the disease through its tireless work to boost health and social awareness as well as international solidarity in addressing the epidemic, boosting prevention and providing treatment for patients carrying the virus.

Despite a decline in the infection rate, the kingdom’s efforts are still going on to realise the global vision launched by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to eradicate the disease.