*** ----> Three Asians on trial for conning former Bahraini MP | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three Asians on trial for conning former Bahraini MP

TDT | Manama                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com  

The High Criminal Court is set to hear the case of three Asian men accused of conning a former MP out of BD2,000 by posing as financial company’s representatives.

The suspects are said to have placed a phone call to the victim and informed him of the importance to share his bank account details or risk having it suspended.

Afraid of such a thing, he directly shared it, only to receive messages indicating that an amount of BD1,800 was transferred from his bank account to another account.

He filed a case at the Anti-Economic Crime Directorate. The three were arrested following an investigation and put on trial on fraud charges.

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