*** ----> Bahrain police hailed for patriotism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain police hailed for patriotism

TDT | Manama                   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com  

Bahrain yesterday celebrated Bahrain Police Day to honour the patriotic role of the servicemen and service women in ensuring security and stability, and consolidating development and progress.

Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa attended a celebration of the Interior Ministry at the Police Fort yesterday. Ministers, senior officials and officers and retirees attended the event.

The Minister delivered a speech in which he commended the heroism of the police force and called this event – which is observed on 14 December every year – a “day of pride, honour and accomplishment in serving the nation and carrying out duties.”

“It is a day of the nation and a symbol of contributions. A day to renew the vows of loyalty for the leader, HM the King. We inspire dedication and strong will from his directives as a foundation to protect security and national achievements.

“I appreciate HRH Crown Prince and Prime Minister’s support to the Bahrain Police. “On Bahrain Police Day, I proudly hail the security accomplishments that assert determination to win the trust and cooperation of citizens.