*** ----> Foreign Ministry and Arab Parliament reject European resolution about Bahrain human rights | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Foreign Ministry and Arab Parliament reject European resolution about Bahrain human rights

TDT | Manama                   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com  

Bahrain has voiced disappointment and concern over the “false and inaccurate allegations” made about the Kingdom’s human rights in the resolution passed by the European Parliament.

This was emphasised by the Foreign Affairs Ministry as it affirmed Bahrain’s full commitment to human rights principles and international standards, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and residents on its territory.

The accusations bear no resemblance to reality, and ignore the factual and verifiable information provided by the Ministry, it noted. In rejecting the European Parliament resolution, the Ministry said: “The resolution was based on falsified and inaccurate information disseminated by those making desperate attempts that seek to damage the reputation of Bahrain and to gain the support of parties willing to accept one-sided and ill-intentioned narratives.”

It affirmed that Bahraini citizen Abdulhadi Al Khawaja, referred to in the resolution, was duly convicted by the courts of treason of the following: undermining state security, attempting to overthrow the constitutional government, communicating with foreign countries to carry out hostile acts against the Kingdom, its citizens, and residents, and establishing and managing an unlawful organisation to carry out acts of terrorism and sabotage.

In a statement, the Ministry pointed out the court verdict corresponds to the legal consequences that would follow in any country respectful of the rule of law.

Devoid of truth

The Arab Parliament yesterday strongly rejected the resolution.

In a statement, Arab Parliament Speaker Adel bin Abdulrahman Al Asoomi said that the resolution is devoid of truth and bears no resemblance to reality. He voiced full solidarity and support to Bahrain, backing all measures it takes to respond to the statement that serves the political design of foreign sides.

“This policy using human rights as a pretext to interfere in the affairs of states has become fully exposed,” he said, calling on the European Parliament to respect the rule of law in the Kingdom. Al Asoomi stressed Bahrain’s full commitment to international human rights standards by consolidating and protecting citizens and residents’ rights and liberties.

The Speaker reiterated categorical rejection of any interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs, stressing full respect for the country’s judiciary and law. He also commended Bahrain’s human rights achievements regionally and internationally, especially in the alternative punishment law, the open prison system and other initiatives that strengthened its standing.

Full solidarity

The Arab Observatory for Human Rights, an offshoot of the Arab Parliament, also rejected the resolution and voiced full solidarity with the Kingdom. It stressed the need to stand to all attempts to defame Arab countries, interfere in their internal affairs or disrespect their sovereignty.

The body backed all Bahrain measures to protect its security and stability. In a statement, it noted Bahrain’s human strides in line with the highest international standards, calling on the European Parliament to stop interfering under the pretext of human rights.

It highlighted the need to recognise positive steps being taken by Arab countries to promote human rights, noting that Bahrain has drawn up national strategies which heed Bahraini social values.

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