*** ----> Parliamentary-government joint meeting discusses action plan | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Parliamentary-government joint meeting discusses action plan

TDT | Manama                       

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com    

The action plans for the next four years, from 2023 to 2026, came under the spotlight yesterday during a joint meeting between a Parliamentary committee for studying them and the government team.

Speaker Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam and Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa jointly chaired the meeting. The Deputy Prime Minister described the Government Action Plan 2023-2026 as ambitious, voicing the government’s hope to approve it after an agreement with the Council of Representatives.

The plan, Shaikh Khalid said, aims at shifting the Kingdom from the recovery phase to a sustainable one. “This aims to create promising job opportunities, boost citizens’ welfare, promote social security and stability and achieve financial and economic stability and sustainability.”

From the government side, the meeting had Minister of Finance and National Economy Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Labour Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Parliament Affairs Ghanim bin Fadhel Al-Buainin, Minister of Legal Affairs Yousef bin Abdul Hussain Khalaf, Minister of Health Dr Jalila bint Al-Sayed Jawad Hassan Jawad, Minister of Cabinet Affairs Hamad bin Faisal Al Maliki and Minister of Information Dr Ramzan bin Abdullah Alnoaimi.

From the Council of Representatives, meeting had the First Deputy Speaker, Chairman of the committee in charge of studying the government’s programme Abdulnabi Salman, the Second Deputy Speaker Ahmed Qarata, Chairman of the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee Dr Hesham Al Ashiri, Chairman of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee Mohammed Al Ahmed, Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Hassan Bukhamas, Chairman of the Services Committee Mamdooh Al Saleh, Chairman of the Public Utilities and Environment Bader Al Temimi, members of the Council of Representatives and the council’s Secretary General Chancellor Rashid Mohammed Bunejma.