*** ‘Authentic yoga’ is for all ages | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Authentic yoga’ is for all ages

TDT | Manama                         

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Staff Reporter

Yoga has various physical and mental health benefits that can improve one’s mental health struggles and overall quality of life. The regular practice of yoga benefits all the organ systems in one’s body, as well as immunity, endocrine system, and musculoskeletal system.

It also increases flexibility and improves efficiency of the respiratory, digestive and cardiac systems. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has produced a psychological impact on the population of Bahrain, as it is a stressful event to many, according to The National Library of Medicine.

A study was conducted by the The National Library of Medicine to measure the psychological impact of Covid-19 that included 1,081 Bahrainis and 33 non-Bahrainis, aged 18 and above. The study found that 30 percent showed depressive symptoms, 18.2 percent exhibited anxiety symptoms, and 30.8 percent experienced stress symptoms.

Additionally, the study reported that females possessed higher symptoms compared to males in depressive and anxiety symptoms. Dr Bhramara Madduri, faculty of Art of Living Bahrain, teaches meditation, SriSri yoga, pre and post-natal yoga, Happiness Programs for adults, intuition processes, and yoga and breathing practices for kids and teenagers.


Dr Madduri told The Daily Tribune: “Yoga is a lifestyle that can be completely transformative on various levels. “To practise yoga on a regular basis is an investment in a person’s life and well-being. It is also important to note that yoga is for all ages, even small children as young as 5 years old and the elderly can practise this.

Authentic yoga includes the practice of asanas (physical postures), breathing (pranayama), and culminates in meditation.” Further explaining, Dr Madduri said: “Meditation and breathing workshops are ancient practices that can relieve anxiety and stress.

This has been validated by research done in elite institutes. 90 percent of toxins are released through our breath. Therefore, using breathing exercises, specifically, Sudrashan Kriya, stress from deeper levels is released and one is relieved from unconscious negative patterns. Through breathing, you can help handle your emotions and feelings.”

According to the Art of Living Foundation, Sudarshan Kriya Yoga can improve stress levels, resting time, and has also been found to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Participating in Sudarshan Yoga can improve your emotional regulation, increase self-esteem levels, and can increase your mental focus. Dr Madduri explained: “The regular practice of yoga in its truest forms will rid the mind of negativity in one’s life, whilst creating higher levels of enthusiasm, joy and peace.


Yoga teaches that when you can learn to control your breathing, you can learn to control your body and quiet your mind. Being in control of your breathing, can help a person let go of worry and fear that they may be facing in their life.

Yogic breathing, defined as a manipulation of breath movement, has been shown to positively affect immune function, autonomic nervous system imbalances, and psychological or stress-related disorders, according to The International Journal of Yoga.

Yoga has also been adopted as an approach to health within alternative medicine. Also, yoga can teach you to let go of the negativity in your life, let go of the past, and move to the future, which many will be aiming to do with the new year coming closer. As the new year approaches, Dr Madduri urged people to take on a new habit like yoga, and to be in control of their health and emotions.