*** ----> Couple jailed for a year for trying to steal BD900 worth mobile phones from delivery boy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Couple jailed for a year for trying to steal BD900 worth mobile phones from delivery boy

TDT | Manama                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

In an a robbery that went wrong, a man and his girlfriend landed in jail after a mobile phone delivery man managed to foil their plan and reported them to the police.

The unusual incident resulted in the couple receiving a year in jail from a Bahraini court.

According to police, the couple had ordered two mobile phones worth BD900 from a local shop and requested a home delivery.

They had also promised to pay in cash after delivery.

However, the person who came to deliver the phones finally had to fight with them to get the phones back as they refused to pay and tried to flee with the phones.

It was also later found that the couple used fake names to order the phones.

“On that day, as promised, I went there to deliver the phones, and I took a friend with me,” the delivery man told the prosecutors.

“I knocked at their doors, and someone came out shrouded in a long cloth and asked me to wait in a female voice. “However, from the physique, I presumed the person was a man.“I waited at the doors as my friend stayed in the vehicle.

“A few minutes later, a woman came out and asked to hand over the phones. She also said they had to check the phones before making payment.

“And I refused, as those were new devices and had to be billed first.

“However, the woman went ahead and tried to break the cover, forcing me to intervene. “I demanded to return the phones, but she refused and tried to close the doors.

“Just then, a man came out, and both of them forcefully tried to push me out.

“I, however, was lucky as hearing the commotion, my friend rushed to help me. “We, somehow, snatched the phones from them and ran away.

“Then, we went to the police and reported the incident,” he told prosecutors Police opened an investigation and arrested them after confirming their identity.

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