*** ----> BRCS organises first aid training course | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BRCS organises first aid training course

TDT | Manama                              

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

The Bahrain Red Crescent Society (BRCS) organised a training course for Bahrain Associations for Parents and Friends of the Disabled and members of the Bahrain Mobility International Center.

The workshop introduced participants to various topics related to first aid, such as first aid kits, how to call for emergency, and cardioversion resuscitation, in addition to practical training.

The course also trained participants on the basics of providing emergency first aid to the injured at the scene of the accident, either by themselves or by guiding the people around them to provide this aid to control the deterioration of the health condition of the injured until he receives appropriate medical services.

BRCS First Aid Committee vice Head Fatima Abdullah Abdulrahman Ahmed supervised the training. This qualitative training course comes within the framework of the social responsibility of the Red Crescent Society towards the Bahraini community, and as part of the Society’s endeavours to provide support and assistance to various segments.

“Training course reflects the Society’s keenness to intensify rehabilitation programs in various fields, including the field of first aid, which is essential for relief and humanitarian work in general, and to keep them ready to provide support to those in need in case of accidents or disasters,” Fatima Abdullah said. She highlighted the development of first aid in the BRCS that enabled them to implement this course effectively and achieve the desired results.