*** ----> Proper diet and lifestyle changes key to solve digestive problems | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Proper diet and lifestyle changes key to solve digestive problems

TDT | Manama                           

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Staff Reporter

Millions of people around the world experience digestive problems ranging from acute to severe cases. According to medical studies, for every 10 adults in the world, four suffer from functional gastrointestinal disorders.

This study includes more than 73,000 people in 33 different countries. Digestive problems are extremely common, and lifestyle changes are required to help solve these health issues. Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Dr Rahul Abbas, an internal medicine doctor at Al-Hilal Hospital, said: “Your diet is very important when it comes to digestive problems.

It is a good idea to eat more fibre or roughage. A diet that is rich in fibre can help digestion and prevent constipation. “It is essential to follow the recommended dietary intake of 30 g of fibre a day. You can maintain fibre in your diet by eating whole bread, brown rice, fruits and vegetables, beans and oats.”

Many believe the only way to help digestion problems is to change what you eat; however, drinking plenty of fluids is also essential to aid digestion. “It encourages the passage of waste through your digestive system and helps to soften stools. A good way to make sure you are getting enough fluids is to drink a glass of water with every meal.”

On top of that, Dr Rahul explained that it is important to avoid caffeinated drinks as they can cause heartburn. He mentioned certain foods that can help in digestion and those to avoid. “Fatty foods such as chips, burgers and fried foods are actually harder to digest and can lead to stomach pain and heartburn,” said Dr Rahul.

“Cutting back on greasy foods can help to ease your stomach’s workload. Instead of eating fatty and processed foods, eating an increase of lean meat and fish, and drinking skimmed or semiskimmed milk are better options than fried or fatty foods.”

Also, there are many options of spicy food in Bahrain, which can lead people to eating them more often. However, Dr. Abbas explained: “If spicy foods are giving you heartburn, stomach pain, or diarrhea, try to to consume them in moderation.

If you are already suffering with problems like heartburn or an irritable bowel, it is best to avoid them completely.” In modern times, it is normal for fizzy drinks to be a part of our daily diets, and many are not aware of the health issues that can arise from consuming fizzy drinks frequently.

“Fizzy drinks in general tend to bloat the stomach, which can also lead to heartburn,” he said. “If this is occurring, it is best to choose drinks that are not fizzy or drinks that do not contain caffeine, such as herbal teas, milk, and water.

It is understandable that many drink coffee and tea in the morning before work, and if you cannot avoid consuming coffee or tea, you can limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day.” Further explaining, Dr Rahul said: “Probiotics are so-called “friendly bacteria” that are found naturally in the gut and have been linked to all sorts of digestive health benefits.

A benefit of probiotics is helping an individual with irritable bowel syndrome. “Essentially, taking probiotics can help aid your digestion, and you can find them as supplements at health food shops or even in yoghurt as a good natural source.”