*** ----> Bahraini Farmers’ Market attracts scores of visitors | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Farmers’ Market attracts scores of visitors

TDT | Manama                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Over 10,000 citizens, residents and foreigners visited the hugely popular Bahraini Farmers’ Market yesterday, which has entered its fifth successful week.

“The ever-growing demand reflects the success gained by the market, which also celebrates its ten years,” said the organising committee.

“The unique activities and agricultural products offered at competitive prices are attracting customers in large numbers, said an official.

Productive families are also there in the market at a special corner arranged by the Ministry of Social Development.


“The market has given us an opportunity to grow, as it is attracting new permanent customers, which is crucial,” said Mubarak Janahi, a participant in the Bahrain Productive Families corner and owner of the Iqaa project.


“The turnout was great, and each time a customer recognises and appreciates us for the products, it fills us with indescribable joy.”

“I should thank the Ministry of Social Development for this.”

“Experiences are motivating me to push further ahead.” Others at the Bahraini Productive Families Corner also told similar tales.

Zainab Abdul-Jabbar Hassan, another participant and owner of the Ajeeb Al-Tabakha project, said this was her second time.


“Feedbacks were tremendous. “Earlier, I made products once every two weeks or a month, considering the demand.”

“All that changed and is much better now. “I sold all the products I made this week itself.”

“I am also supporting others by buying raw materials from here, which is a way of backing each other. “This also helped me to create new products more appealing to customers.”

She also confirmed that products were a huge hit, as customers greatly value homemade products.


Amina Abdul Rahman, another participant in the Bahraini Productive Families Corner and owner of the Ajar Inn project, said she had great fun.

“Basically, I was reluctant, but the Ministry officials backed me and convinced me of the extent of the benefit.

“Indeed, I enjoyed it a lot. “I met with customers, walked them through product making, and I found great demand.”

“Now, I want to come here again,” she said with a beaming smile.

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