*** ----> BDF joint defence drill ‘Neon Defender-23’ commences | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BDF joint defence drill ‘Neon Defender-23’ commences

TDT | Manama                             

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

The joint drill, “Neon Defender-23”, conducted by the Bahrain Defence Force (BDF)’s various branches, the Interior Ministry’s Coast Guard, the National Guard and the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) commenced at the BDF yesterday.

Neon Defender-23” is part of the preset programmes and plans aimed at developing training, rehabilitation and exchange of expertise.

The joint exercise features a number of military field applications, naval operations, tactical maneuvers and various workshops, using the latest advanced combat technologies.

The drill is within the framework of defence cooperation and coordination among the armed forces of friendly countries with the aim of exchanging combat and operational experiences in securing sea corridors and providing the necessary protection and safety for maritime navigation in the region.

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